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Geology Walks 2020

West Runton - Looking for the Ice Age

West Runton is a site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). It is one of the best places on the Norfolk coast to find fossils but it also has abundant evidence of the Ice Age and we shall hunt down the clues to what went on here 450,000 years ago.

For the meeting point SEE THE SECTION BELOW. There is a b/w handout to accompany this walk (download in colour available below). Here is a link for the West Runton to Cromer section if you want a preview of the geology.

Geology Walks 2020: West Runton - Looking for the Ice Age

April 24


West Runton: Looking for the Ice Age

Ice sheets, tills, chalk rafts, outwash, erratics and more...


Oct 18


West Runton - Looking for the Ice Age

Ice sheets, tills, chalk rafts, outwash, erratics and more...

13.30 - 16.15

Email to book

These dates are provisional and should be confirmed when you make a booking.

Booking is important

Booking is essential to help me gauge the size of audience, number of handouts, whether a helper is needed for safety and so on.
Geology Walks £6.00 adults, £3.00 under 18 (over 8) and includes a b/w handout (which you can download in colour from this site). Tickets are paid for on the day.

Please email to book your place (using the links above for your chosen walk) and tell me:

Your mobile number is only used to contact you in case of a last minute problem or cancellation.

For last minute bookings, or if you don't have access to email, you may call

01263 513992 (or mobile 07887 389804)

See below for the meeting place.


Please come adequately dressed. It's really important that you are well prepared.

The beach is rocky and wet in places, so please:

Do wrap up well; some people come without adequate coats and hats. It can be chilly on the beach, even in summer and we want you to enjoy yourself, not shiver.

Inclement weather

While the walks have a really remarkable record of getting fine weather, there is always the chance of a really bad day. In the event of bad weather the leader will always turn up at the starting point. I work on the principal that there is no such thing as bad weather, only inadequate clothing. We can still have fun, even in the rain. But if it really is that bad we can take a vote on what to do.


I love dogs but in my experience they don't understand geology. They can get bored and there are often other dogs on the beach to get them excited. Then they bark and I can't compete, so I recommend you don't bring them.

West Runton meeting place

For West Runton walks please assemble by the shelter at the bottom of Water Lane, West Runton (grid reference TG18504313). The cafe proprietor levies a small parking charge in the season. If there is no attendant, please purchase a parking ticket at the Seaview Cafe. Come at 1.15 for a 1.30pm start.

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