Record number JS80
    Number of items 2
    Related record JS129
        Note same animal
        Simple name fossil
        Full name upper toothrow (two parts) of a wild dog
        Other name wild dog (juvenile)
        Named collection Xenocyon
        Classified name Mammalia & Carnivora & Canidae & Xenocyon lycaonoides
            System Linnaean
            Status verified
            Note3 compared with Xenocyon from Westbury at Natural History Museum, London
            Authority3 Parfitt, Simon, Dr (Natural History Museum) : 21.4.2017
        Brief description Fossil, upper left toothrow of a juvenile wild dog (in two parts found together) Canis (Xenocyon) lycaonoides; toothrow (carnassial upper left P4, M1 and M2); in situ find from the early Middle Pleistocene deposits, Cromer Forest-bed For mation (Runton Member, West Runton Freshwater Bed, bed d-f) of West Runton beach, at junction of d-f; 37m W of Goss' Gap water pipe, West Runton, Norfolk, UK
        Note The teeth are only lightly in wear, so likely to be a juvenile. The state of wear is similar to JS129 and probably the same individual.
        Note First record for the Cromer Forest-bed. Only known previously from cave deposts at Westbury Sub-Mendip
        Form maxilla (upper left carnassial, P4, M1 and M2)
    Field collection  
        Place & & West Runton & Norfolk & UK
            Site name West Runton beach
                Note4 at junction of d-f; 37m W of Goss' Gap water pipe; 6 metres from the carnassial tooth JS129
            Locality number  
            Coordinates geocoordinates : 52°56'25.74"N, 1°15'19.10"E
            Relative position  
            Stratigraphy rock : Cromer Forest-bed Formation & Runton Member & West Runton Freshwater Bed & junction of bed d and bed f
            Stratigraphy stage : Cromerian
            Stratigraphy age : Pleistocene & early Middle Pleistocene
        Method in situ find
        Person collector : Stewart, Jonathan
        Date 2016 (early)
        Collection number  
    Permanent location  
    Recorder MRW : 11.11.2017
        Part:dimen:reading : :
        Method glued (with HMG)
        Person conservator : Stewart, Jonathan
        Reference number  
        Summary descript Upper left M1 and M2
        Person photographer :
        Date 5.6.2017
        Photograph number WP_20160605_028.jpg
        Photograph number WP_20160605_024.jpg
        Photograph number WP_20160605_036.jpg
            Type3 digitised image
            Type3 digitised image
            Type3 digitised image
        Summary descript Carnassial upper left P4
        Person photographer : Warren, Martin
        Date 5.6.2017
        Photograph number WP_20160605_028.jpg
        Photograph number WP_20160605_024.jpg
        Photograph number WP_20160605_022.jpg
            Type3 digitised image
            Type3 digitised image
            Type3 digitised image
            Type3 digitised image
            Type3 digitised image
            Type3 digitised image
            Type3 digitised image
            Type3 digitised image
        Person :
        Reference number  
    Documentation group  
        Link jswestrunton.html
    Documentation group  
        Reference number  
    Notes In differentiation of these remains from other large canids the following dimensions show clearly that this specimen, identified as Xenocyon differs from Canis lupus (wolf, from Barnwell Cave, Somerset or Oreston Cave, Plymouth) and Cani s dirus (dire wolf).
        Note JS Xenocyon lacaonoides : m1 length = 29 mm; width = 20 mm ratio = 1.45
        Note JS Xenocyon lacaonoides : M1 (carnassial) length = 28.5 mm; ratio M1/m1 = 0.98
        Note Canis lupus (Hutton and Barnwell Cave or Oreston Cave, Plymouth) : M1 length = 7.5 mm; width 9 mm ratio = 0.835
        Note Canis lupus m1:M1 = 0.835
        Note Canis dirus : l/w ratio = 1.125
        Note Canis lupus : m1:M1 = 1.50
    Admin category importance : 1