Brewing in 2017
How much brewing will there be in 2017? To be honest, I am not sure. If you read my blog for 26 October 2016 you will see that I am suffering a few disadvantages and uncertainties at the moment. We are awaiting the outcome of some scans with baited breath. As to the future, I know that there are two books coming out that feature beers from Poppyland, so I don't want to disappear from the scene just yet. I'll stick around for a while but you never know, nature might take its course. I back-pedalled on the brewing this winter and put my effort elsewhere but I have brewed a couple of times in 2017 - a favourite IPA and Smokehouse Porter for the National Winter Ales Festival in Norwich (21-25 February) but at the moment the rest of the year is still a bit blank. There will certainly be another iteration of The Lost World of Doggerland; people said it was weird but liked it and Adrian Tierney-Jones liked it so much he's putting it into his new book The Seven Moods of Craft Beer: 350 Classic Modern Beers You Must Try (Paperback) - out on 26 May 2017. I have the samphire in the freezer that I gathered from Stiffkey last summer.
Martin Warren, The Poppyland Brewer: 22.2.2017

Update on the previous paragraph. It is now April and the outlook, my outlook, is a lot more positive. Early in the year I planned the Geology Walks 2017 programme and the bookings are coming in; the third walk is on Wednesday. See the link: Amongst the programme are two Beery Walks, on Sunday 9 July and Bank Holiday Monday 28 August. These consist of a fairly long walk inland through the countryside of the Cromer Ridge and Felbrigg Woods. Along the way I talk about the inspiration I draw from the North Norfolk landscape and also some of the ingredients I forage from the hedgerows. There will be samples of half a dozen beers to be enjoyed too and everyone goes home with a bottle of beer of their choice. Non-drinkers are welcome. Fees are £15 (and £6 for non-drinkers).
I am pleased to say that my prognosis isn't so gloomy now. The scans showed no particular cause for alarm; I am getting used to only having one eye, general health has improved and Stef has stopped nagging me about moving. Son Mark has been helping out a little in the brewery. More than that, he is taking some work experience at Beeston Brewery (he has already brewed with Golden Triangle), so I am hoping he will gradually be able to integrate his life with the Poppyland Brewery. We will see how things work out but it is encouraging.
By coincidence, a fellow brewer at the Norfolk Brewhouse (David Holliday) suggested a collaboration using a couple of ingredients that have been resurrected: Chevallier malt and Ernest hops. I readily agreed and concocted a recipe. I have ironically called it "Back from the Dead"; a literal truth for the ingredients and a tongue-in-cheek reflection on the way I feel. As David remarked after the brew day went well: "looks like you have your brewing mojo well and truly back!"
A modest expansion
Just to prove that Poppyland is still here I have upgraded some of the assets: an extra two small (c. 180 litre) fermenters and 10 new stainless steel casks. This will allow me to brew for a few pubs and beer festivals (some won't accept plastic casks) whilst also maintaining a good variety of adventurous bottled beers.
Martin Warren, The Poppyland Brewer: 1.12.2017
Catalogue of brews in 2017
East Beach IPA | |
Smokehouse Porter | |
Tragic Empress | |
Back from the Dead | |
Walkers Are Welcome | |
Sepoy IPA | |
Double Sepoy | |
Hawkey Frolic | |
Crab Saison and Quince Saison | |
Coming up next
Ideas for the future:
- A parasol mushroom beer
- A sour black
- A gose using salt marsh plants, e.g. samphire
- A very light sour for summer
- More funky saison (i.e. saison that is more funky), possibly a black saison?